Photo d’une manifestation de soutien à Paul

Take action against road violence: sign the call

Petition for the attention of the Prime Minister of France and his government

On the 15th of October at 5:45 p.m. Paul Varry, 27 years old, was killed by an SUV driver on his commute home from work in central Paris. His death was a shock to us all, whether we are cyclists, pedestrians, parents, car drivers, or citizens.

Paul was far from being the first victim of this type of violence, and if we remain silent he won’t be the last.

Every day, millions of us are victims of close passes, insults, dangerous manoeuvres, intimidations and even physical violence while cycling. These aggressions are more and more frequent and remain too normalised.

Tens of thousands of people gathered all over France following that tragedy to say “Stop road violence”.

It is now urgent that our society opens its eyes. By uniting and speaking with one voice, we can highlight the urgency of protecting the most vulnerable users on our roads and streets.

The French Bike User’s Federation (FUB) is calling the French government to set a clear objective: zero road deaths and severe injuries.

We have clear demands:

  • Taking into account complaints and systematically sanctioning violent behaviour putting lives at risk every day.
  • Developing lifelong driver training and teaching every child how to ride a bike autonomously at school.
  • Creating safe cycling infrastructure everywhere in France so that fear is no longer a reason not to cycle.
  • Investing an ambitious budget so that France can catch up with its neighbours.
  • Ensuring these measures are monitored closely by the government so these pledges become reality.

Our society must stop living in denial so that this violence is recognised and sanctioned.

We must be able to move around safely whichever method of transport we choose!

Our voices and protests clearly show we are no longer willing to wait. We must act now to protect every citizen on our streets and roads.

Please sign and share!

To encourage more people to come forward and highlight how frequent and played down this violence is, we need to hear from you! Your experience is invaluable and can help bring about real change.

Sharing your experience

Initiated by FUB

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